Effectiveness of Patient Education on Knowledge of Anesthesia and Post-operative Pain Management Following Elective Cesarean Delivery: a Randomized Control Trial

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Yupayong Mingolo
Lisa Sangkum
Cholticha Jaroensap
Pensiri Poomhirun
Theerawat Chalacheewa


Background: Patient education is a major concern for nurse anesthetists in perioperative setting. Preoperative education can enhance patient outcomes, reduce anxiety and improved satisfaction with the surgical experience. In the health care center, typical patient received pamphlets or verbal instructions from the physicians and nurses on the day before surgery, which is difficult to control the effectiveness of patient education. Therefore, our purpose of the study was to compare the perioperative knowledge between patient who received preoperative education program and standard of care, respectively. Methods: A hundred patients were randomly divided into preoperative education program (group 1) and standard of care group (group 2). Group 1 received preoperative education by nurse anesthetists. While group 2 received preoperative education by healthcare provider as a routine standard of care. The primary outcome was the pre- and post-education knowledge score. The secondary outcomes included anxiety score, postoperative pain outcomes and satisfaction score. Results: The patient knowledge were significantly greater in group 1 compare with group 2 (standard mean difference pre and post education: 2.72±1.83 vs 0.24±0.56 pointes, P<0.001 และ P=0.004). Amsterdam Preoperational Anxiety and Information Scale (P<0.001) and postoperative pain outcomes were statistically better in group 1 (rest pain: 0.5 (0-3) and 1 (0-3), P=0.001). However, the satisfaction score was comparable between the two groups. Conclusion: Preoperative education by nurse anesthetist could improve patient’s knowledge, as well as, reduced patient’s anxiety. However, it did not improve perioperative pain outcomes or satisfaction score.

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Department of Anesthesiology, Faculty of Medicine Ramathibodi Hospital. Annual report. Bangkok: Mahidol University; 2017-2022.

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