Supportive and Barriers Factors in Practice Role of Thai Advanced Practice Nurse

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ภัทราภรณ์ ทุ่งปันคำ
สมจิต หนุเจริญกุล
อรสา พันธ์ภักดี
จริยา วิทยะศุภร
จินตนา ยูนิพันธ์ุ
วรรณภา ศรีธัญรัตน์
สุกัญญา ปริสัญญกุล
ขนิษฐา นันทบุตร
วิลาวัณย์ พิเชียรเสถียร
สุวรรณา จันทร์ประเสริฐ
นิ่มนวล มันตราภรณ์


This survey research aimed to explore supportive and barriers factors in practice role of Thai Advanced Practice Nurse. The sample was 566 participants from 10 specialty areas who had experience for at least 1 year with APN certification from Thailand Nursing and Midwifery Council (TNMC). Data were collected from June 2015-June 2016. Questionnaires comprised of demographic data form and open-ended questions regarding role expectations as well as supportive and barrier factors to the advanced practice nursing role. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and content analysis. Results: Participants reported 4 factors that served as supports and barriers to their role. These included: 1) organizational factors including policy task force, support from supervisor, the professional law; 2) APN’s competency including achieved core competency and work collaboratively with others, 3) resources and environmental factors including Information Technology and instrumental related system, acceptance from colleagues, teamwork and network, and appropriate reimbursement; and 4) consumer factors including target population, and recognition from patient and family. The results from this study could serve as baseline information for further research related to APN role development of each specialty area or for APN in general. This will enable them to work in their role effectively leading to the role satisfaction and role expectation to their target population.

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How to Cite
ทุ่งปันคำ ภ., หนุเจริญกุล ส., พันธ์ภักดี อ., วิทยะศุภร จ., ยูนิพันธ์ุ จ., ศรีธัญรัตน์ ว., ปริสัญญกุล ส., นันทบุตร ข., พิเชียรเสถียร ว., จันทร์ประเสริฐ ส., & มันตราภรณ์ น. (2016). Supportive and Barriers Factors in Practice Role of Thai Advanced Practice Nurse. Thai Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Practice, 3(2), 25–43. Retrieved from
Research Article