The Effect of Case Management by Advanced Practice Nurse on Relapse in Persons with Schizophrenia

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วัฒนาภรณ์ พิบูลอาลักษณ์
จินตนา ยูนิพันธุ์
วิภาวี เผ่ากันทรากร
วีรพล อุณหรัศมี


This quasi-experimental research with the posttest control groups design aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of case management on relapse in persons with schizophrenia. The subjects were 67 in-patients with relapse schizophrenia of a psychiatric institute.  Thirty five subjects were randomized to an experimental group and thirty two subjects to a control group. The experimental group received case management by an advanced practice nurse (APN), while the control group received the usual nursing care for inpatients with a discharge plan. Research instruments were a case management process with 7 steps lasted for 4 weeks. The relapse was measured by The Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale (BPRS) (conceptual disorganization, hallucinatory behavior and unusual thought content). Data were analyzed using Fisher’s exact test. Results: The findings revealed that there was no relapse in the experimental group at 4 weeks after discharge, whereas there were 4 relapse cases in the control group (Fisher’s Exact = 4.65, df = 1, p-value = .04).  Results suggested that case management by Advance Practice Nurse (APN) could be an effective model to prevent relapse among schizophrenic patients.

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How to Cite
พิบูลอาลักษณ์ ว., ยูนิพันธุ์ จ., เผ่ากันทรากร ว., & อุณหรัศมี ว. (2018). The Effect of Case Management by Advanced Practice Nurse on Relapse in Persons with Schizophrenia. Thai Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Practice, 5(2), 5–18. Retrieved from
Research Article


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