Development of the Care Model for Patients with Septicemia using Fast Tract System at Surin Hospital

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ปิยะอร รุ่งธนเกียรติ
สุนันญา พรมตวง
จันทนา แพงบุดดี


Abstract: Sepsis is a critical illness and needs urgent treatment and care. This research and development are: to develop “Fast Track Care Service Model” for patients with septicemia and to evaluate outcomes of the development in Surin hospital during October 2016 to September 2018.  Samples were purposively selected which comprised of 54 registered nurses and multidisciplinary team members and 70 patients with septicemia. Data collection tools included: Sepsis Fast Track audit form, patients’ record forms, and nurse’s opinion questionnaire. Research tools were validated by five experts. This study comprised of three phases: 1) situation analysis phase; 2) Fast Track Service Model development phase; and 3) evaluation phase. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics. The comparisons of clinical outcomes before- and after- the implementation of the model were analyzed by using Chi-square test. Results of the developed “Fast Track Care Service Model” consist of: 1) pre-hospital care, 2) in-hospital care, and 3) continuing care. Outcomes of the developed “Fast Track Service Model” revealed that: accurate and timely fluid replacement therapy, increased from 70% to 86.7%; hemo-culture taken before antibiotic administration rate, increased from 83.3% to 100%; antibiotic administration rate within one hour after diagnosis, increased from 80.0% to 96.7%; and mortality rate from sepsis decreased from 40.0% to 23.3%. Registered nurses’ opinion on the developed model was that it is applicable and be effective in practice at the high level with the mean score of 3.48 (SD=0.18).   The developed care model helped patients get access to standard care treatment and let to better outcomes. This care model can be applied to other  hospitals within the similar contexts.

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How to Cite
รุ่งธนเกียรติ ป., พรมตวง ส., & แพงบุดดี จ. (2019). Development of the Care Model for Patients with Septicemia using Fast Tract System at Surin Hospital. Thai Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Practice, 6(1), 36–51. Retrieved from
Research Article


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