The Effect of a Recovery Promotion Program on Recovery Among Persons with Major Depressive Disorders

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Thaneeya Sutapa
Jintana Yunibhand
Wipawee Phaokuntarakorn
Patanon Kwansanit


This quasi-experimental research with the posttest only control groups design aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of recovery promotion program on recovery in persons with Major Depressive Disorders (MDD). The subjects were outpatient with MDD at a psychiatric institute. Total of 36 patients were matched pairs by age and gender which 18 subjects were randomly assigned to the recovery promotion program and the other 18 subjects were assigned to the control group with usual care. Instrument was a 4 weeks recovery promotion program, consisted of individual therapeutic relationship, group supportive psychotherapy and family psycho-education to encourage strength selfefficacy, resourcefulness, purpose in life, social support, protect/decrease alcohol consumption and medication adherence. The recovery was measured by The Thai-Mental Health Recovery Measure (Thai-MHRM) and the data of both groups were analyzed using t- test. Results revealed that the difference of recovery of persons with MDD in recovery promotion program group (mean = 97.17, SD = 11.48) was higher than usual care group (mean = 75.94, SD = 15.81) with statistically significant at the level of p<.01. Findings suggest that recovery promotion program can be used to promote the recovery of persons with MDD.


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Sutapa, T. ., Yunibhand, J., Phaokuntarakorn, W., & Kwansanit, P. (2020). The Effect of a Recovery Promotion Program on Recovery Among Persons with Major Depressive Disorders. Thai Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Practice, 7(1), 118–132. retrieved from
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