Effects of Fall Prevention Program with Multifactorial Intervention on Fall Prevention Behavior and Balance among Community - Dwelling Older Adults in Trang Province

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Sirima Wangpayom
Salee Incharoen
Keerati Ponpetch
Kanjanachaya Sirijoti
Nawaporn Kaewchusen


Abstract: This quasi-experimental research, two-group pre-test post-test time comparison design aimed to study the effect of fall prevention program with multifactorial intervention on fall prevention behaviors among community-dwelling older adults in Trang province. Research participants were 60 older adults residing in Huay Yod district, Trang province selected into 2 groups equally 30 people for each group. The intervention group received fall prevention program with multifactorial interventions which consisted of knowledge on fall prevention, balance exercises to prevent falls, home environment evaluation to prevent falls at home, and medication review for 12 weeks. Data were collected using questionnaires, including questions on health belief model, fall prevention behavior, and the balance test (Berg balance and Time up and go test). Data were analyzed by paired sample t-test, independent sample t-test, Wilcoxon signed rank test, Mann-Whitney U test and Repeated Measures ANOVA. Results showed that after program completion, intervention group had statistically significant higher score of health belief model and fall prevention behavior compared to before program (p<.05) and higher than control group (p<.05). Although balance score between intervention group comparing to control group was not statistically different, intervention group had statistically significant better score of balance test (p<.05). In conclusion, the fall prevention program with multifactorial intervention is effective on fall prevention behaviors among communitydwelling older adults.


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How to Cite
Wangpayom, S. ., Incharoen, S., Ponpetch, K. ., Sirijoti, K. ., & Kaewchusen, N. . (2023). Effects of Fall Prevention Program with Multifactorial Intervention on Fall Prevention Behavior and Balance among Community - Dwelling Older Adults in Trang Province. Thai Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Practice, 10(2), 20–37. retrieved from https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/apnj/article/view/263261
Research Article


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