Effects of Educational Program Combined with Self-Measuring Dietary Sodium Chloride on Changes in Blood Pressure and Urine Sodium in Patients with Hypertension
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Abstract: This quasi-experimental research one-group pre-post test design aimed to compare systolic and diastolic blood pressure and urinary sodium levels in hypertensive patients before and after receiving sodium intake education and self-operating a salt meter. A sample group of 36 people was selected based on certain criteria. The participants were given intensive education on sodium intake and trained to use and monitor their food intake with a salt meter. Follow-up was done every month for three months. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and paired t-test. Results showed that the hypertensive patients who participated in the research had a significant decrease of the systolic and diastolic blood pressures and urinary sodium levels (p < 0.05). Therefore, the education on sodium intake and the use of a salt meter can reduce blood pressure and urinary sodium levels in hypertensive patients. However, further study is needed with randomized controlled trials before the program can be widely used.
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