The Relationship Between Personal Factors, Psychosocial Factors, and Environmental Factors Among Repeated Methamphetamine Recurrence in Thanyarak Hospital


  • Siriluck Panya Ratchathani University, Udonthani campus
  • Saowaluk Thajang Ratchathani University, Udonthani campus
  • Naprajan Chapik Udonthani Rajabhat University
  • Sukunya Kanchanabut Thanyarak Udon Thani
  • Jariya Mongkolsawad Udonthani Rajabhat University


Personal factors, Psychosocial factors, Environmental factors, Methamphetamine recurrence


This research is descriptive research. The purpose for the relationship between personal factors Psychosocial and Environmental Factors Associated with Methamphetamine Re-use. Using the Pearson Correlation Coefficient Test, data were collected from November 2019 to July 2020 for a total of 9 months. The population of the study was 227 people. The instruments used for data collection were 1) general information questionnaire, divided into 2 parts: part 1, personal information questionnaire, and part 2 questionnaire. About the recurrence factor of methamphetamine The tool has been tested for content validity by a qualified person. The accuracy index was 0.80, the data was analyzed by descriptive statistics and the relationship was analyzed by the Pearson correlation coefficient.

The results showed that drug treatment recipients of Thanyarak Hospital. They returned to use amphetamine 1-2 times, the most (45.80%), followed by 3-4 times (36.60%), most of which were male (74.40%) than female (25.60%) was the age of 21-30 years, the most (47.10%). The correlated factors were 1) personal factors, age, religion and education had a statistically positive relationship (r = .14, r = .13, r = .13 and p <.05, respectively), comorbidities were significantly negatively related (r = - .15, p <.05) 2) psychosocial factors. Found that the main reason for the first time using the substance There was a statistically significant positive correlation (r = .13, p <.05), with the top three main causes of drug use, the first three were wanting to try, 114 people (50.20%), secondary. There were 76 friends (33.50%) and 15 people (6.60%) of fun, respectively. 3) Environmental factors for relapse of methamphetamine, it was found that the characteristics of the community where you live There were statistically significant positive correlations with risk factors for methamphetamine recurrence among drug treatment recipients (r = .14, p <.05). The top three were rural communities with 120 people (52.80%), followed by urban communities with 49 (21.60%) and suburbs with 35 people (15.40 percent), respectively. Based on the results of this study, the multidisciplinary team was able to use the results of the study to develop a therapeutic program that could help reduce the three risk factors that cause recurrence of therapy in patients. The government and all relevant sectors should support early risk prevention and mitigation policies in youth groups. Encourage a good family Ensuring good environment in the community to be safe All of this will be essential to reducing risk factors since childhood as a shield against all types of drug abuse.


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How to Cite

Panya, S., Thajang , S., Chapik , N., Kanchanabut , S., & Mongkolsawad , J. (2021). The Relationship Between Personal Factors, Psychosocial Factors, and Environmental Factors Among Repeated Methamphetamine Recurrence in Thanyarak Hospital. Nursing Journal CMU, 48(2), 273–282. retrieved from

