Effect of the Family Centered Care Program on Anxiety Among Caregivers of Stroke Patients


  • Paweena Yotsurin Registered Nurse
  • Jindarat Chaiard Faculty of Nursing, Chiang Mai University
  • Chomphoonut Srirat Faculty of Nursing, Chiang Mai University


Family-centered care, Caregivers, Anxiety, Stroke patients


Stroke is an acute condition of the neurological system. This illness affects caregivers by increasing their anxiety related to the patients’ condition.  Therefore, it is necessary to provide care which centers on the patients’ family. The purpose of this quasi experimental research study was to evaluate the effect of the Family-Centered Care Program on anxiety among caregivers of stroke patients.  The sample consisted of primary caregivers who were family members of stroke patients hospitalized in the stroke unit at Maharaj Nakorn Chiang Mai Hospital and acting as caregivers for these stroke patients. These participants were purposively selected and assigned equally into control and experimental groups, with fifteen participants in each group. The instruments used in this study were the Family-Centered Care Program developed by the researcher based on the concept of family-centered care and the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory form Y (STAI form Y) of Spielberger et al., which was translated into Thai by Tapinta (1992) to assess of anxiety in caregivers of stroke patients. In this study, A-state anxiety was used.  Data were analyzed descriptive statistics and t-test.

          This study generated two findings: 1) anxiety scores of caregivers in the experimental group were significantly lower after participating in the Family Centered Care Program than before participating in the program (p < .001); and 2) anxiety scores of the caregivers in the experimental group were significantly lower than scores for the control group (p < .05).

          The results of this study indicated that the Family-Centered Care Program could decrease anxiety among caregivers of stroke patients. Therefore, this program should be used to enhance participation of caregivers in caring for stroke patients in order to decrease the anxiety of the caregivers.


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How to Cite

Yotsurin , P. . ., Chaiard , J. . . ., & Srirat , C. . . (2021). Effect of the Family Centered Care Program on Anxiety Among Caregivers of Stroke Patients. Nursing Journal CMU, 48(2), 132–145. retrieved from https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/cmunursing/article/view/251575

