Validity and Reliability of the Thai Version of the Experienced Continuity of Care for Diabetes Mellitus (ECC-DM) Questionnaire

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Nithra Kitreerawutiwong
Phudit Tejativaddhana


Validity and reliability of a Thai Version of the Experienced Continuity of Care for Diabetes Mellitus (ECC-DM) questionnaire was translate from the Experienced Continuity of Care for Diabetes Mellitus. There was no instrument to assess continuity of care in Thailand. This study aimed to cross-culturally adapt the ECC-DM to Thai and to validate this instrument.

The original ECC-DM was translated to Thai with permission from principle investigator who developed ECC-DM, in the United of Kingdom. The process followed the cross-cultural adaptation guideline. Forward translations from original to Thai were conducted and then verify the meaning by the researchers. Backward translation from Thai to English was performing to keep the meanings proper. Synthesis of the translation by assessment of equivalence including: 1) Semantic equivalence 2) Idiomatic equivalence 3) Experiential equivalence, and 4) Conceptual equivalence was conducted by 5 experts consisting of family physician, academicians, practitioners, and policy maker. The reliability of translated version was examined by distributing questionnaire to 225 patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus.

The results revealed that the overall Cronbach's α coefficient of the ECC-DM Thai version was 0.91, while the ranges of reliability were 0.75-0.89, item-total correlation were 0.32-0.72 and alphas if individual items deleted were 0.58-0.89. The Thai version of ECC-DM achieved good level of reliability. This instrument can be used to assess the experiences of continuity of care for patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus who received care from health care facility in Thailand.

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How to Cite
Kitreerawutiwong, N., & Tejativaddhana, P. (2013). Validity and Reliability of the Thai Version of the Experienced Continuity of Care for Diabetes Mellitus (ECC-DM) Questionnaire. วารสารสาธารณสุข มหาวิทยาลัยบูรพา, 8(1), 13–25. สืบค้น จาก
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