Effect of Empowering Program for Self-protection Hehavior in People at Risk of Diabetes.NongYaidistrict,Chonburi Province

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Yuvadee Rodjarkpai
Sompol Kittilernkrait
Prasit Kamonpornmongkol


The purpose of the study was aimed to compareperceivedempowerment,self–efficacy,and self-protection behaviors in people at risk of diabetes. The researcher developed an empowering program based on Gibson’s concept. The study subjects included 66 people at risk of diabetes, in which 33 subjects were in the experimental group and the rest was assigned as the control group. The experimental group participated in a four-weeks empowering program.Pre and post tests were administered to the participants. Data collected included perceived empowerment, self-efficacy  and self-protection behavior. Data were analyzed using mean, standard deviation and Independent Sample t-test. The results of the study showed that perceived empowerment, self-efficacy and self-protection behavior of the experimental group were better than the control group (p<0.05). This program can be used to prevent diabetes  in population at risk.

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Author Biography

Prasit Kamonpornmongkol

HangsungTambol Health Promotion Hospital NongYai district Chonburi Province