Factor related to severe Deep neck infections: Retrospective study in Udonthani

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Suwan Wangthanakorn



Factor related to severe Deep neck infections: Retrospective study in Udonthani

Purpose  1. To present experience of the clinical course and management of deep neck infection.

  1. To determine the risk factor related to severe deep neck infection.

Material and method : This retrospective study of  560 patients, treated for deep neck infection at Udonthani Hospital from October 2014 to September 2019. Clinical data was collected as demography, presenting symptoms, comorbidities, duration before admission, etiology, site of infection, vital sign, leukocyte count,  bacteriology,   radiology,  treatment, complication,  and hospitalization. The data was analyzed by descriptive statistics (mean, percentage) and regression analysis (p-valve, odd ratio)

Result: 560 patients was reviewed; 286 (51.01%) were men, 274 (48.92%) were women, with a mean age 45.11 years (range 1-87 years). Neck pain and swelling (87.50%) were the most presenting symptoms. The most etiology was odontogenic infection (61.96 %). The most co-morbidities were hypertension (20%) and Diabetes mellitus (17.50%). Submandibular space (18.21%) was the most common involved space. The most common organisms were Alpha hemolytic streptococcus (18.39%). Twenties-Six patients (4.64%) developed severe deep neck infection. The most complication was sepsis (61.54%). On univariate analysis was related to elderly, Diabetes mellitus, fever, dyspnea, causes of facial injuries, Ludwig’s angina,  parapharyngeal space,  retropharyngeal space, leukocytosis, high percentage of  neutrophile, positive blood culture and prolonged hospitalization. On multiple regression analysis was showed that elderly, prolonged  hospitalization, high percentage of neutrophile and positive blood culture predicted severe deep neck infection.

Conclusion:  Providing early diagnosis and intensive treatment in patients with severe deep neck infection including elderly and high neutrophil level, will prevent and minimize harm to patients and save health resources.

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How to Cite
Wangthanakorn, S. (2021). Factor related to severe Deep neck infections: Retrospective study in Udonthani. Thai Journal of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery, 22(1), 3–19. retrieved from https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/rcotJ/article/view/249013
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