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จิตติมา หอมเทียน
พิชญา ลิ้มโภคา
อารยา กิจเลิศผล
พัชรินทร์ นุชสา
ธนัชพร ลิบุตรดี
จิรพงษ์ ฬียาพรรณ


Objective: To compare cost analysis and cost-benefit of electronic letters with those of paper letters. It also aimed to compare satisfaction of personnel who used those letters.

Methods: This cross-sectional study of communication methods in Department of Dermatology was conducted in Department of Dermatology, Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol university in 2017. The cost of electronic letters was programming cost and its maintenance cost. The cost of paper letters were paper copying cost and messenger cost. Questionnaires were used to evaluate satisfaction of personnel using those letters.

Results: The cost of programing was 16,794 baht which there was no additional maintenance cost for 5 years. The paper copying cost of 1 year was 18,200 Thai baht. Messenger cost was 46,728 Thai baht. The total cost when used paper letters was 64,928 baht per year. The cost of electronic papers was less than that of paper letters for 58,134 Thai baht.

In satisfaction aspect, personnel felt pleased with electronic letter and paper letters about 67.7% and 6.2%, respectively. Moreover, the sending error of electronic letter and paper letters was 13.8%, 92.4%, respectively.

Conclusion: The electronic letters had lower cost than that of paper letters. The electronic letters also had a higher satisfaction and lower rate of error.

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หอมเทียน จ, ลิ้มโภคา พ, กิจเลิศผล อ, นุชสา พ, ลิบุตรดี ธ, ฬียาพรรณ จ. โครงการวิจัยความคุ้มทุนและความพึงพอใจของการสื่อสารด้วยระบบจดหมายเวียนอิเล็กทรอนิกส์เทียบกับการส่งจดหมายกระดาษภายในภาควิชาตจวิทยา. Siriraj Med Bull [internet]. 2019 May 2 [cited 2025 Jan. 19];12(1):8-12. available from: https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/simedbull/article/view/178277
Original Article