Change in platelet count according to date of illness among pediatric dengue infection patients at Mae Sot Hospital, Tak Province

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โสภณ อัศวพลังกูล
ศรีสุดา อัศวพลังกูล


Objective: To investigate the pattern of change in platelet count among pediatric dengue patients.
Methods: This study was conducted in a provincial hospital to investigate pediatric dengue patients age of 0-15 year that had been admitted to pediatric ward between 1st January 2014 and 31st December 2018. Signs and symptoms, age, nationality, underlying diseases and lab results included complete blood count were retrospectively collected from patient database in the center. Descriptive study of baseline characteristics and proportional comparison of clinical presentation profiles among severity groups: Dengue fever, Dengue hemorrhagic fever and Dengue shock syndrome had been analyzed using Fisher exact probability test or chi-square test where applicable.  Change of platelet count and their trends among groups were analyzed and demonstrated using Kruskal-Wallis equality-of-populations rank test, multilevel analysis and post-estimation prediction with graphic illustration.
Results: Total of 909 pediatric dengue infection patient were admitted in our hospital. Patients were enrolled in the study comprising of dengue fever 171 cases, dengue hemorrhagic fever 667 cases and dengue shock syndrome 59 cases. Distribution of gender among 3 groups was not different. Thai were 5 times and 2 times more than other ethnic among dengue fever and dengue hemorrhagic fever groups (83.0% vs. 17.0% and 68.1% vs. 31.9% respectively). Contrariwise, this was about 1.5 times less than other ethnic among dengue shock syndrome group (61.0% vs. 39.0% respectively). Platelet tended to decline after the second day of illness and reach their minimum around 5th – 6th day. They recovered then to more than 50,000/µL and 100,000/µL around 7th and 9th day of illness respectively.
Conclusion: Although patient in DSS group had lower platelet count than in the DF and DHF group, platelet of all three group recovered to above 50,000/µL and 100,000/µL around 7th and 9th day of illness respectively.

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อัศวพลังกูล โ, อัศวพลังกูล ศ. Change in platelet count according to date of illness among pediatric dengue infection patients at Mae Sot Hospital, Tak Province. Siriraj Med Bull [Internet]. 2020 Jul. 2 [cited 2024 Sep. 13];13(3):171-82. Available from:
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