The Quality of Life and Satisfaction between High Cost Component Project and Standard Component Service in Transtibial Prosthesis.
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Objective: To compare the quality of life in transtibial amputee between the ones using standard service component (standard group) and the ones using high-cost component (high-cost group) in SSPO clinic at Siriraj Hospital
Materials & Methods: Descriptive study that interviewed the participants by telephone covering participants’ general information, patient satisfaction and quality of life questionnaires (WHOQOL and Thai EQ-5D-5L)
Results: This research had 114 amputees (average age 60 years old) that divided into two groups in terms of 74 in standard group and 40 in the high-cost group. The quality of life between both groups was not difference (p=0.568) while the educational level, and patients’ functional ability before they received their prosthetics (k-level) were found statistically significant difference (p=0.008 and p<0.001, respectively). In standard group, the most educational level was the lower elementary school and k-level 3 were higher than another group. Psychological domain was significant in the standard group (60.2%) compared with high cost (47.5%). Multiple regression analysis, k-level 3 and patients’ wearing prosthetics per day were positively related to the psychological domain (p=0.021 and 0.024). In addition, patient satisfaction questionnaire and another quality of life domain were not statistically significant.
Conclusion: The comparison of transtibial amputee’s quality of life in both groups was not significant. K-level and patients’ wearing prosthetics per day improved quality of life.
Article Details
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