The Quality of Life and Satisfaction between High Cost Component Project and Standard Component Service in Transtibial Prosthesis.

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Khemisa Engmahassakul
Paweena Aekwattanaphol
Marisa Amattayakul
Kamontip Harnphadungkit


Objective: To compare the quality of life in transtibial amputee between the ones using standard service component (standard group) and the ones using high-cost component (high-cost group) in SSPO clinic at Siriraj Hospital

Materials & Methods: Descriptive study that interviewed the participants by telephone covering participants’ general information, patient satisfaction and quality of life questionnaires (WHOQOL and Thai EQ-5D-5L)

Results: This research had 114 amputees (average age 60 years old) that divided into two groups in terms of 74 in standard group and 40 in the high-cost group. The quality of life between both groups was not difference (p=0.568) while the educational level, and patients’ functional ability before they received their prosthetics (k-level) were found statistically significant difference (p=0.008 and p<0.001, respectively). In standard group, the most educational level was the lower elementary school and k-level 3 were higher than another group. Psychological domain was significant in the standard group (60.2%) compared with high cost (47.5%). Multiple regression analysis, k-level 3 and patients’ wearing prosthetics per day were positively related to the psychological domain (p=0.021 and 0.024). In addition, patient satisfaction questionnaire and another quality of life domain were not statistically significant.

Conclusion: The comparison of transtibial amputee’s quality of life in both groups was not significant. K-level and patients’ wearing prosthetics per day improved quality of life.

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How to Cite
Engmahassakul K, Aekwattanaphol P, Amattayakul M, Harnphadungkit K. The Quality of Life and Satisfaction between High Cost Component Project and Standard Component Service in Transtibial Prosthesis. Siriraj Med Bull [internet]. 2022 Jan. 1 [cited 2025 Jan. 18];15(1):12-21. available from:
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