Preparation for the Development of Nurses' Competency in Caring for COVID-19 Patients, Siriraj Hospital

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Napaporn Apiradeewajeeset
Saowanee Naowapanich
Jithathai Suksamai
Chutiphan Tiovohan
Rukasanun Khwanmueang


The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak has had a vast impact not only on healthcare system but also society and economy. It is crucial that healthcare providers are ready to attend to patient care. Changing lifestyle changes as well as affecting the Thai public health system as the number of infections continues to increase, the number of public health resources used is limited. Other patients had to be postponed or discontinued. Health workers are stressed from work.

Siriraj hospital is a super tertiary hospital that is well prepared to deal with this situation. Especially, in severe cases, complicated or require specialized treatment. Therefore, there have been expanded units to general wards and critical wards, totally 7 units. Preparation the infrastructure, medical equipment and tool especially, medical personnel in providing services are needed. In term of structure, the structure can be converted into a negative pressure room. In term of equipment and medical equipment need to treat patients. They must be adequately provided such as personal protective equipment, ventilator and central monitor etc. The personal aspect is an issue that is the most important. Therefore, it has to be expedited to resolve by recruiting nurses from other nursing jobs who have no experience in caring for patients. Nurses lack skills and knowledge in the use of respiratory devices such as prevention of infection, the use of the High-Flow Nasal Cannula (HFNC). Development of the competence of medical personnel and all related personnel within the hospital. Medical personnel and all related-profession have important duties and responsibilities in promoting, preventing, treating and rehabilitating COVID-19 patients.  Appropriate nursing workforce planning and management should be in place. Nursing staff need to be knowledgeable and skillful in care operation in order to achieve patient safety goal and provide effective care.

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How to Cite
Apiradeewajeeset N, Naowapanich S, Suksamai J, Tiovohan C, Khwanmueang R. Preparation for the Development of Nurses’ Competency in Caring for COVID-19 Patients, Siriraj Hospital. Siriraj Med Bull [internet]. 2021 Oct. 1 [cited 2025 Jan. 23];14(4):81-90. available from:
Review Article


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