Utilization of the Poser Program in Creating 3D Muscle Model in Medical Media Production

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Manote Preechanan
์ืNichaporn Surinwong
Sophita Suwuttho
Jiraporn Jitprapaikulsan


This article aimed to show guidelines for developing teaching materials using the 3D Poser program to create 3D muscle models for medical media. Currently, technological advancement of medical media has progressed at a continuous rate, which has resulted in medical education media playing a fundamental role. The 3D Poser program, as one of the variations of medical technology, is distinctive and specialized in visualization, particularly anatomy, and physiology. Therefore, the utilization of 3D programs in the production of medical media is deemed beneficial for complete and accurate medical imaging and modeling of human physiology. The 3D Poser program, though considered highly advanced in itself, is easy to operate and all but time consuming in the molding process of 3D parts. To aim for maximum anatomical accuracy and realistic illustration of the muscle graphics, it is necessary to use an add-on program or plug-in called Anatomy 4 Pro Bundle for texture mapping techniques and editing tools for adjusting, bending, posting, and rendering the model as desired. This technology creates future possibilities for the 3D Poser program to be a complement, if not foundation, of developing materials for medical training in the near future.

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How to Cite
Preechanan M, Surinwong ์, Suwuttho S, Jitprapaikulsan J. Utilization of the Poser Program in Creating 3D Muscle Model in Medical Media Production. Siriraj Med Bull [Internet]. 2023 Jul. 1 [cited 2024 Sep. 10];16(3):214-21. Available from: https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/simedbull/article/view/260441
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