Nursing Care in the Noncultured Melanocyte - Keratinocyte Surgery of Vitiligo

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Phantipa Treethummakul
Narumol Silpa-archa
Punyanut Yothachai
Poramin Patthamalai


Vitiligo is a common depigmenting skin disorder, which is now clearly classified as an autoimmune disease. The disease is characterized by the selective loss of melanocytes which result in topical non-scaly, chalky-white macules in various position on the body. Vitiligo is often dismissed as a cosmetic problem and psychologically, often with a considerable burden on daily life. There are currently several medical treatments available, which aim to arrest progression and induce skin repigmentation, and no known treatment can consistently produce repigmentation in all patients. Surgical treatments for vitiligo are a safe and effective treatment modality for select patients with vitiligo. Many techniques of vitiligo surgery exist, each with unique advantages and disadvantages. This review summarize the current knowledge on vitiligo and presented the medical treatment available for vitiligo by melanocyte – keratinocyte transplantation procedure (MKTP), which is a cellular grafting consists of non-culture epidermal suspension. Nurse play a crucial role in providing effective care for vitiligo patients undergoing MKTP. The content covers is steps for surgery as for the nursing process consists of steps to pre-surgery, during surgery, and post-surgery by emphasizing the patient as the center point in providing nursing care. It presented of guidelines for the nursing of vitiligo and who interested in applying it to care for patients with vitiligo. Should be develop strategies to provide an effective educational for patients with vitiligo to enhance their quality of life.

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Treethummakul P, Silpa-archa N, Yothachai P, Patthamalai P. Nursing Care in the Noncultured Melanocyte - Keratinocyte Surgery of Vitiligo. Siriraj Med Bull [internet]. 2024 Oct. 1 [cited 2025 Feb. 14];17(4):318-24. available from:
Review Article


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