The Role of Nurses in Caring for Cancer Patients to Prevent Hypersensitivity Reactions from Receiving Oxaliplatin

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Rungthip Chankhamwong


Cancer is a major public health problem and the cause of an increasing number of deaths worldwide. In 2022, the World Health Organization reported that there were 19.9 million new cases of cancer worldwide, with 9.7 million people dying from cancer. In Thailand, 183,541 new cancer patients are found per year. Cancer is the leading cause of death for Thai people and continues to increase in 2022, with 118,829 cases in Thailand, an annual increase of 3.38 percent from 2021.Chemotherapy is the main treatment that doctors choose to treat cancer. While it can calm the disease, the drug's side effects are significant. Patients receiving oxaliplatin chemotherapy also encounter emergency conditions that can occur while giving chemotherapy, namely hypersensitivity. (Hypersensitivity Reaction: HSR). The most common symptoms include flushed face or neck, chest discomfort, dyspnea, tachycardia, abdominal pain, back pain, hypoxia, cough, dizziness, allergic rashes (Urticarial rash), fever and shaking chills, swollen lips, facial edema, hypotension and anaphylaxis. This condition, if not evaluated quickly and treated immediately, will become more severe and cause the patient's death. Therefore, nurses must be able to closely care for patients. Assess for symptoms of hypersensitivity and provide accurate and efficient care to patients quickly to prevent and reduce the severity of hypersensitivity. Keep patients safe while receiving chemotherapy.

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How to Cite
Chankhamwong R. The Role of Nurses in Caring for Cancer Patients to Prevent Hypersensitivity Reactions from Receiving Oxaliplatin. Siriraj Med Bull [Internet]. 2024 Jul. 1 [cited 2024 Dec. 27];17(3):259-65. Available from:
Review Article


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