Gerontological Nursing Competencies for Registered Nurses in a University Hospital Setting

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ชไมพร เจริญไกรกมล
Auengporn Pituksung
Janthana Namthep
Piyanuch Saysukanun
Ratree Chimchalong
Pitiporn Siritipakorn
Lalita Sritalabhen


Objective: This study aimed to describe gerontological nursing competencies and the need for their development among nurses working in a university hospital setting.

Materials and Methods: A convenience sample of 365 nurses with at least one year of experience participated in the study. A self-assessment instrument was used, developed based on the work by Roungfa Atiratpaisal. The instrument consisted of eight domains: 1. Critical thinking, 2. Communication, 3. Assessment, 4. Technical skill, 5. Health promotion and risk reduction, 6. Illness management, 7. Discharge planning, and 8. Interdisciplinary collaboration. Content validity was established by five experts (CVI = 0.99), and the instrument was piloted on 30 nurses to assess reliability (Cronbach's alpha = 0.98). The questionnaire was distributed via Google Form during April-May 2023. Data were analyzed using independent t-tests and F-tests.

Results: The sample comprised 365 nurses, with over 10 years of experience (47.4%), working primarily in surgical units (36.4%). A significant proportion (76.4%) had experience with home care for the elderly. However, 62.4% had not received formal gerontological training, while 46.7% had participated in short courses (1-5 days). The overall level of gerontological nursing competency was good (mean = 3.76, SD = 0.49). Critical thinking showed the highest score (mean = 4.37, SD = 0.49) among the eight domains. Nurses identified the greatest need for development in knowledge (88.2%), followed by practice (40.8%) and equipment (34.5%).

Conclusion: While self-assessment can be a valuable tool for nurses, comprehensive assessment by senior or head nurses remains essential for evaluating gerontological nursing competency.

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How to Cite
เจริญไกรกมล ช, Pituksung A, Namthep J, Saysukanun P, Chimchalong R, Siritipakorn P, Sritalabhen L. Gerontological Nursing Competencies for Registered Nurses in a University Hospital Setting. Siriraj Med Bull [Internet]. 2024 Jul. 1 [cited 2024 Dec. 27];17(3):197-208. Available from:
Original Article


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