The Effect of An Educational Handbook Regarding Dysphagia Care on Caregiver Knowledge and Satisfaction
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Objective: This quasi-experimental study aimed to investigate the impact of an educational handbook on caregiver knowledge and satisfaction in managing dysphagic patients. Twenty-six caregivers were recruited from the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Golden Jubilee Medical Center, between November 2023 and April 2024.
Materials and Methods: The research tools were an educational handbook and a questionnaire with 15 questions, consisting of general information about dysphagia and caring for dysphagic patients. Each caregiver was asked to take the pre-test before receiving knowledge about caring for dysphagic patients from a multidisciplinary team. Then, the educational handbook was provided for review during home care. After one week, the post-test was done during the follow-up with an occupational therapist. The physician conducted a one-month follow-up with caregivers to assess their satisfaction with using the educational handbook. The outcome measure was a comparison between pre-test and post-test scores. Increasing scores indicated increased knowledge in caring for dysphagic patients.
Result: The total number of caregivers in this study was 26 participants. After using the educational handbook, the mean test score was increased compared to the baseline score. The mean score in the post-test (13.04 ± 2.25) was higher than the pre-test score (9.04 ± 2.47) significantly (p-value<.001). The handbook also showed that overall satisfaction was good and considered excellent for application.
Conclusion: The study results supported the effectiveness of the educational handbook in enhancing caregivers' knowledge. It is a valuable resource for improving knowledge about caring for dysphagic patients.
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