Entrance Skin Dose from Chest X-Ray Radiograph at Radiology Division, Golden Jubilee Medical Center

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Supawan Jivapong
Bunyanut Phatthanadisai
Somluck Jamroonsai


Objective: To study the entrance skin dose (ESD) of patients underwent chest x-ray radiograph at radiology division, Golden Jubilee Medical Center, Faculty of medicine Siriraj hospital, Mahidol University, and compare with the diagnostic reference level of the International Atomic Energy Agency and other studies.

Materials & Methods: This study is an observational descriptive study. The patients aged 18-70 years were selected, with body weight ranging from 60±15 kg. underwent with digital radiography system, Samsung XGEO GC80 model. Demographic data and technical parameters including gender, age, weight, height, chest thickness, kilovoltage peak, milli-ampere*second were collected for 304 patients during October 2021 – May 2022. Estimate ESD was calculated from vender’s formula. The median and 3rd quartile of the calculated dose was used to compare with the DRLs of national, international and other relevant studies.

Results: The results revealed that the median and 3rd quartile of ESD were 0.13 mGy and 0.15 mGy, respectively. The means of milli-ampere*second for AEC and manual mAs were 2.89 and 3.43 mAs, respectively. Both techniques use the same 110 kVp and mAs ranges 1.9 – 6 depending on technique and patient’s thickness.

Conclusion: ESD from chest radiograph obtained was below the DRL from IAEA and other corresponding studies. This study led to the development for optimization proper kVp and mAs parameters to safety level of radiation. However, image quality must be adequate to provide the information required for the clinical diagnosis.

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How to Cite
Jivapong S, Phatthanadisai B, Jamroonsai S. Entrance Skin Dose from Chest X-Ray Radiograph at Radiology Division, Golden Jubilee Medical Center. Siriraj Med Bull [internet]. 2023 Jan. 1 [cited 2025 Mar. 14];16(1):10-7. available from: https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/simedbull/article/view/258686
Original Article


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