Effectiveness of Social Care Network Model on Self-Care and Infant Care of Postpartum Mothers in Sikao Hospital, Trang Province
Social network model, knowledge, behavior, self-care and infant care of postpartumAbstract
The objective of this quasi-experimental study was to assess the effectiveness of the Social Care Network Model on self-care and infant care of postpartum mothers in Sikao Hospital, Trang province. Data were collected from 40 postpartum mothers delivering at Sikao Hospital between March and May 2017. Twenty postpartum mothers (intervention group) and 20 postpartum mothers (control group) were randomly assigned. Control group postpartum mothers received standard regular care treatment while intervention group mothers received treatment with Social Care Network Model including: 1) “Doctor at home” media, 2) Parental class in closed Line group and Facebook, and 3) home visit. This study conducted questionnaire tests on knowledge, behaviors, and complications regarding self-care and infant care of postpartum mothers, and satisfaction on Social Care Network Model. Data were analyzed using percentage, mean, standard deviation, Paired T-test, and Independent T-test. Results revealed that after intervention, there was significant improvement in the score on knowledge regarding self-care and infant care of postpartum mothers (p-value<0.001) in the intervention group. There were significant differences in behaviors score regarding self-care and infant care of postpartum mothers between study group and control group (p<0.001). No complications were observed in the intervention group. Satisfaction on Social Care Network Model was observed at the highest level (4.76 ± 0.34). This study suggests that the Social Care Network Model is effective in improving knowledge and behaviors regarding self-care and infant care of postpartum mothers.
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