Author Guidelines

Instruction for Authors & Guidelines (Revised December 18, 2019)

  1. About the journal

    1.1. The Thai Journal of Public Health and Health Sciences (TJPHS) is published by the Academic Institute of Public Health and Medical Technology Network(APHMN). APHMN is consisting of 7 Sirindhorn Colleges of Public Health, Kanchanabhishek Institute of Medical and Public Health Technology and Abhaibhubejhr College of Thai Traditional Medicine Prachinburi, under Praboromarajchanok Institute for Health Workforce Development, Ministry of Public Health, Thailand.   

    1.2 The aim of publishing original articles and contributions relevant to public health and medical sciences. The scope of the journal is broad, covering health policy and management, health care and services, health promotion/health education/behavioral health, environmental and occupational health, dental public health, public health pharmacy, nursing and related, toxicology, and other relevant health issues of public health and medical sciences. The TJPH publishes original papers, systematic review articles, brief reports, case studies, field studies, and letters to the editor.

  2. Policies

    2.1. The Editorial Board decides whether a contribution will be sent for peer review, and if so, it will consider the peer reviewers’ reports and make the final decision to accept or reject the manuscript for publication. The Editorial Board reserves the final right to decide the section (manuscript type) in which the paper will be published if it is found to be acceptable for publication.

    2.2. Submission of a manuscript to the TJPH implies that it has not been published elsewhere, that it does not duplicate material already published in any language elsewhere, and that it is not in submission elsewhere.

  3. Ethical issues

    3.1. Human studies are expected to conducted in accordance with the recommendations outlined in the Declaration of Helsinki (1964, revised 1975, 1983, 1989, 1996, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2008 and 2013).

    3.2. Authors should state in their Subjects (Materials) and Methods section that their institution's review board (ethics review committee) has approved the study proposal, as well as the manner in which informed consent was obtained from the subjects (if applicable).

  4. Manuscript categories

    The following types of contributions will be considered for publication.

    4.1. Reviews: Review, evaluation or commentary of a number of research reports on a specific theme.

    4.2. Originals: Articles with new findings and original research results, research methodologies, research materials and interpretations of the authors own or of other research results and articles of a similar nature.

    4.3. Brief Reports: Articles with limited but original data and having the same format as originals.

    4.4. Case Studies: Reports on cases of interest in the field of public health and related fields.

    4.5. Field Studies: Reports on investigation into the status of public health with relevant data. 

    4.6. Opinions: Short articles conveying authors’ own opinions or comments on various aspects of public health.

    4.7. Letters to the Editor: Letters to the Editor on material published in the TJPH are welcome. Authors can submit Letters to the Editor by e-mail to the editorial office ( The length must not exceed 600 words, only one table or figure is permitted, and there should be no more than five references. When appropriate, the journal may invite replies.

  5. Copyright
    If the manuscript is accepted for publication, copyright of the article shall be assigned to the Thai Journal of Public Health (TJPH). After acceptance of a manuscript, the authors will be requested to complete a copyright transfer agreement form.

  6. Manuscript format and style


Manuscripts should be prepared in the following manner. Submissions that do not conform to the instructions will be returned unread. The Editorial Office holds the right not to publish an article at any stage of the submission, review, and copyediting if the manuscript does not follow the required format and style.

6.1. Manuscripts should be written in English. Non-native English authors are encouraged to seek the assistance of an English-proficient colleague or commercial English editing services before submission of manuscripts to the journal.

6.2. Manuscripts should be typed in MS Word 97/03 for Windows or higher version, size 12-point type with margins of 2.5 centimeters on A4 (ca.22 × 28 cm) paper. Double spacing should be used throughout, and the right margin should be unjustified.

6.3. All papers should be organized to include the following: a title page, abstract, text, acknowledgments, references, figure legends, tables and figures. Each of the elements should begin on a separate page.

6.4. Pages should be numbered consecutively, beginning with the abstract. Line numbers should be put in the left margin of each page of the text.

6.5. Title page. The title page should include the following: a concise and descriptive title, name of each author, departmental and institutional affiliation of each author, the telephone and fax numbers as well as the e-mail address of the corresponding author, type of contribution, running title (not more than 60 letters including spaces), the number of words in the abstract and the text and the number of tables and figures.

6.6. Abstract. For all submissions except Letters to the Editor, structured abstracts should not exceed 250 words and should normally be organized under the following headings: Objectives, Methods, Results, and Conclusions. Abstracts are necessary for Opinions; however, abstracts for Opinions can be unstructured if appropriate.

6.7. Word count. Originals and Field Studies should be limited to 4,000 words, and Reviews should be limited to 6,000 words, excluding the abstract, acknowledgments, references, tables and figure legends. Brief Reports should not exceed 3,000 words and should contain no more than a total of 2 short tables or figures.

6.8. Format. Originals should generally use the following format: Introduction, Subjects (or Materials) and Methods, Results, and Discussion. Subheadings are paragraph titles should be used whenever possibleBrief Reports and Case Studies should be limited to four printed pages (normally, 8001,000 words (text base) per page) including references, tables and figures.

6.9. Key words. For all submissions, give a list of 3-5 key words in alphabetical order. The authors are recommended to refer to Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) selected from main headings listed in Medical Subject Headings in Index Medicus, published by the National Library of Medicine ( mesh/MBrowser.html). Key words will be placed after the abstract for Reviews, Originals, Case Studies and Field Studies.

6.10. Tables and figures. Tables and figures should be of adequate quality to withstand reduction in size. Each table and figure should be submitted on a separate A4 sheet. Their locations in the text should be indicated in the right margin of the text. Only 6 or fewer tables and figures are permitted in total. Each table and figure should constitute a single unit of communications; that is, it should be completely informative in itself without reading the body of the text.

6.11. References. The style of references should follow the Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to APA Formatted References, 6th Edition (

Please refer to the examples of references listed below. List all authors when there are six or fewer; when there are seven or more authors, list the first three authors, followed by et al.” References should be numbered according to the order in which they appear in the text and should be listed at the end of the text. References should be limited to 30 original papers. Please ensure that the references include the most current articles and information



Yuychim, P., Niratharadorn, M., Siriumpunkul, P., Buaboon, N. (2018). Effects of a Family

Participation Program in Managing Drug Managing Drug Use Behaviors among Older Adults with Chronic Disease in Phun Phin Community. Journal of Public Health, 48(1): 44-53.

Thepaksorn, P., Fadrilan-Camacho, V. & Siriwong, W. (2017). Respiratory symptoms and

ventilatory function defects among Para rubber wood sawmill workers in the South of Thailand. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment: An International, 23(4):788-797.

Fraenkel, R. J., Wallen, E. N. & Hyun, H. H. (2012). How to Design and Evaluate Research in Education. (8th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill.

Praboromarajchanok Institute of Heath Workforce Development. (2013) Collection of Academic Performance in Humanized Service Mind. Nontaburi: Ministry of Public Health. (in Thai)


Citation in book chapter

Waite, J. (2011). “Information and Documentation. In Potter, A.P., Perry, G.A.

Stockert, A.P. & Hall, A.” Basic Nursing Challenge. (pp. 142-164). Missouri: Mosby/Elsevier.



Chen, M.W., Santos, H.M., Que, D.E., Gou, Y.Y., Tayo, L.L., Hsu, Y.C. (2018).  Association

between Organochlorine Pesticide Levels in Breast Milk and Their Effects on Female Reproduction in a Taiwanese Population. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. Retrieved June 3, 2018 from



Hom, K. E. (2018). Association of Air Pollution with Longitudinal Changes in Arterial Stiffness

and Correlated of Longitudinal Changes in Arterial Stiffness in the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis (MESA). A Dissertation Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctoral of Philosophy, University of Washington.


  1. 7. Charges

7.1. Page charges. No charge will be imposed on the authors of papers comprising up to ten printed pages with exemption for 2,500 Baht in 2018-2019. However, charges for papers comprising more than ten pages will be levied on the authors at a rate of $50 per page

7.2. Color figure charges. Color figures will incur a charge of $50 per each page.


  1. 8. Submitting a manuscript

Manuscripts should be submitted online through the web site at Authors can suggest preferred / non-preferred reviewers for their manuscript, but the editors are not obliged to use/not to use author suggested reviewers. In the TJPH editorial process, six filed editors and their associate editors will handle submitted papers according to their relevant areas of expertise. Please choose 2 appropriate fields in the order you prefer, as this will help ensure a prompt and efficient editorial process. The editorial board may allocate papers to fields other than those chosen by the authors when appropriate, but authors should endeavor to select the appropriate fields. Selection of inappropriate fields will delay the editorial process.


  1. 9. Accepted manuscripts

9.1. Research articles accepted for publication in the TJPH will appear initially as author-supplied unedited files online in the TJPH-in-Press section on the website ( shortly after acceptance. The article will be citable using a DOI (Digital Object Identifier) code. The date the articles was included on the website will be considered the publication date. Any substantive changes at this stage will require an erratum to be published. Articles will be published in the print version in order of acceptance as journal space permits.

9.2. Copyediting

Accepted manuscripts will undergo copyediting. The authors of the accepted manuscript are asked to make appropriate changes requested by the Editorial Office. The authors will be asked to submit the corrected manuscript to the Editorial Office as a Microsoft Word file(s).

9.3. Page proofs will be made available once to the submitting author.

9.4. Accepted manuscripts can also be accessed from the journals page on the website free of charge. Authors can download the PDFs of their accepted articles and send then to colleagues for noncommercial use.


  1. 10. Editorial Office contact information

Questions regarding the instructions for authors should be addressed to the journal office via e-mail ( or Tel. 66-88-7531547.