Rehabilitation Model for Chronic Low Back Pain Patients in Community Case Study: Patong Sub-district Municipality, Hat Yai District, Songkhla Province
Chronic Low Back Pain, Rehabilitation, Innovative Care for Chronic Condition FrameworkAbstract
This descriptive study aimed to study the rehabilitation model for chronic low back pain in the community using an innovative care for chronic conditions framework in the Patong Sub-district Municipality, Hat Yai District, Songkhla Province in Thailand. We collected qualitative data through in-depth interviews, field observation, and an expert group discussion using a semi-structured questionnaire from 50 informants recruited through purposive sampling. We analyzed data using the content analysis method.
We found that the rehabilitation model of patients with chronic low back pain was effective in the community. At the Micro level, information was provided to patients, relatives and community leaders. Patients should be empowered to take care of and manage back pain by themselves. Health care teams and community partners should exchange information. To promote the well-being of members of the community, there should be preparation to participate in activities and media that are easily accessible. Motivation delivered through mutual encouragement is the most important, while appreciation and compensation were the secondary factors. At the Meso level, the health team should provide the necessary cognitive support for rehabilitation. There needs to be constant care and a good database system. Community partners should support the budget and facilitate the activities of the patients with chronic low back pain in the community. At the Macro level, community policies and constitution should be established by those involved. This process should Include building cooperation and integrated care. We successfully applied the rehabilitation model to patients with chronic low back pain. We conclude that the participation of all sectors involved in patient care is crucial to providing good care.
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