A Study of Symptom Experiences among End Stage Renal Disease Patients Receiving Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis


  • ปฏิวัติ คดีโลก Nursing Graduate Student, Faculty of Nursing, Chulalongkorn University
  • ชนกพร จิตปัญญา Assistant Professor, Faculty of Nursing, Chulalongkorn University
  • อารีย์วรรณ อ่วมตานี Assistant Professor, Faculty of Nursing, Chulalongkorn University


symptom experiences, end stage renal disease, continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis


            This survey research aimed to study symptom experiences of patients with end stage renal disease (ESRD) receiving continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD) in four dimensions: presence, frequency, severity, and distress. A sample of 178 patients with ESRD receiving CAPD was recruited from two peritoneal dialysis service centers of National Health Security Office, Bangkok. The research instrument was the CKD Symptom Burden Index with content validity index of .97 and the Cronbach’s alpha coefficients of four dimensions were .77, .83, .84, and .86, respectively. Data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics.

            The findings were presented as follows:

       1. Number of symptoms, the sample reported a min-max number of 3-29 symptoms, an average of 12.08 symptoms, median of 11 symptoms, and mode of eight symptoms.

        2. Dry skin was perceived as the most symptom presence (78.10%) and symptom frequency (gif.latex?\bar{x}±SD = 7.65±2.83).

        3. Itching was evaluated as the most symptom severity (gif.latex?\bar{x}±SD = 5.04±2.76) and symptom distress (gif.latex?\bar{x}±SD = 4.75±2.60).

       The findings offered valuable data for healthcare providers, to recognize the importance of symptom evaluation in the four dimensions as well as managing care for those certain symptoms appropriately and effectively in order to better quality of life for those patients.


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บทความวิจัย (Research Report)