Coping with Stress During The COVID-19 Outbreak


  • Suchanya Lohacheewa Department of Psychiatric and Mental health Nursing, Srisavarindhira Thai Red Cross Institute of Nursing


Coping with stress, Stress, COVID-19


             The spread of the Coronavirus, which is a pandemic, has greatly affected world. The illnesses has impacted not only physical health but also caused stress and anxiety in the lives of all groups of people. Workers have adjusted their duties to maintain distance from society, thus creating a need for a new learning system. If stress accumulates at an excessive level, it will also affect physical health causing insomnia, loss of appetite, fatigue, headache, and stomachache, and mental health causing irritability, anger, boredom, anxiety, and sadness, and could lead to introverted behavior, thus causing quarrels. Conflict and stress, if not properly managed, can lead to depression and risk of suicide. There are ways to cope with stress throughout the whole body, including socially distanced exercises at home such as stretching muscles, mindfulness and meditation to help ensure enough sleep, and mental health focusing on mindfulness to deal with sudden problems. It may be done by breathing in and out and choosing to receive news from reliable sources, reducing environmental stimulation to oneself, and self-monitoring of stress.


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