The Correlation between Eating Behavior and Nutritional Status of Thalassemic Children with Transfusion-Dependence at Provincial Hospitals in the Northern Part of Thailand
eating behaviors, nutritional status, children with thalassemiaAbstract
This descriptive research aimed to study the correlation between the eating behavior and nutritional status of transfusion dependent thalassemic children at provincial hospitals in the northern part of Thailand. A total of 289 transfusion dependent thalassemia patients aged 6-18 years participated in the study. A purposive sampling was used to recruit the samples. A questionnaire, including demographic characteristics, weight, height, and eating behavior, was used for data collection. The validity and reliability of the questionnaire were 1.00, and .89, respectively. All data was analyzed using frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and Fisher’s Exact Test.
The result revealed that the mean score of the overall eating behaviors were at a moderate level and the nutritional status was normal. There were no significant associations between eating behavior and nutritional status.
These findings suggest that stakeholders should promote good eating habits and monitor the nutritional status among thalassemic children to maintain a healthy nutritional status depending on age.
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