An Effect of Maneevej Exercise to Office Syndrome Among Office Worker of University
maneevej, office syndrome, office workersAbstract
The purpose of this quasi-experimental study with one-group pre-test/ post-test was to determine the effects of the Maneevej Exercise Technique on muscle pain in office workers. The sample consisted of 30 office workers who worked in a university. The participants received the Maneevej Exercise Technique which lasted for 4 weeks, and self-practice at home for a further 2 weeks. Evaluation was conducted at the 4th week and the follow-up period (the 2nd week). The instruments for data collection were interview questionnaires regarding demographic data and a muscle pain rating scale. The statistics for data analyses included frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and repeated measure ANOVA and Bonferroni method.
The study results showed that the mean scores of the muscle pain in the office workers at the end of receiving the Maneevej Exercise Technique (4th week) and at the follow up period (2nd week) were significantly lower than before receiving the Maneevej Exercise Technique (p < .05). In summary, the findings suggest that routine exercise with Maneevej technique can reduce muscle aches in office workers.
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