Effects of a Cartoon Animation as an Intravenous Therapy Program on Fear Perception and Cooperation Behavior in School - Age Children: A Randomized Controlled Trial Study
cartoon animation, intravenous therapy, fear, cooperation behavior, school-age childrenAbstract
This research aimed to study the effectiveness of a cartoon animation as an intravenous therapy program on the levels of fear perception and cooperation in school-age children. This program is based on the self-regulation theory of Leventhal & Johnson, 1983. The participants were 66 children who attended the pediatric outpatient department in a university hospital. They were divided into three groups: 22 each in the experimental group and two control groups. The research instrument was the cartoon animation used as an intravenous therapy program, and the data collection instruments included a personal information questionnaire, self - reported measures of fear, and a cooperation behavior observation scale. All data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, t - test, and one - way ANOVA. The results revealed that the mean score of fear after intervention was significantly lower than before intervention (p = .028). There was no significant difference in fear and cooperation between the intervention group and the control group (p > .05). Thus, using cartoon animation as an intravenous therapy program decreased the fear of intravenous procedure in school-age children.
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