Effectiveness of Self-Care Program using Mobile Health Devices on Clinical Outcomes among Heart Failure Patients: A Systematic Review
self-care program, mobile health, clinical outcomes, systematic review, heart failure patientsAbstract
This systematic review aims to synthesize knowledge about the characteristics and clinical outcomes of self-care programs utilizing mobile health. Databases from 2014 to 2024 were searched using the Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI) systematic review guidelines. Seventeen studies met the inclusion criteria, all of which were randomized controlled trials. Tools used for data collection included research screening forms, critical appraisal forms, and data extraction forms. Content analyses and clinical outcomes were analyzed using content analysis with frequency and percentage.
The results showed the program’s characteristics involved three processes, including (1) installing the program on the patient's mobile device, (2) teaching and demonstrating to patients how to use the program through the application, and (3) monitoring patient use of the program and integrating it with three main components, including education on heart failure and self-care, symptom monitoring, and reminders. Clinical outcomes included primary outcomes: (1) Hospital readmission: four studies (100%) found no significant difference between the experimental and control groups, and (2) knowledge about heart failure: three out of six studies (50%) found statistically significant differences between the experimental and the control groups. For secondary outcomes, there were statistically significant differences between the experimental and control groups as follows: (1) self-care in nine out of 15 studies (60%), (2) quality of life in six out of 12 studies (50%), and (3) self-efficacy in two out of 3 studies (66.67%). Therefore, a self-care program using mobile health devices should be utilized to help promote better knowledge, self-care, quality of life, and self-efficacy for heart failure patients. The research results may be applied to help develop clinical nursing practice guidelines to promote good clinical outcomes among heart failure patients.
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