Comparative Spirituality between Registered Nurses from Different Generations, McCormick Hospital, Chiang Mai Province
spirituality at work, nurses' perceptions, generational gapAbstract
This comparative descriptive study aimed to investigate spirituality at work and compare the levels of spirituality among nurses from different generations working at McCormick Hospital in Chiang Mai Province, Thailand. The sample consisted of 168 nurses selected through multi-stage random sampling. Data were collected using a work spirituality questionnaire. The instrument was quality-checked with an item objective congruence (IOC) of 1 and a Cronbach's Alpha reliability coefficient of 0.95. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, the Kruskal-Wallis Test, and the Mann-Whitney U Test.
The research found that: 1) The majority of the sample was female (97.02%) and belonged to either Generation Y (29-46 years) at 57.74%, Generation X (47-57 years) at 26.19%, and Generation Z (25-28 years) at 16.07%. 2) The overall level of work spirituality among nurses was high (mean= 4.30, SD= 0.44), with one aspect, inner life perception, rated very high (mean= 4.51, SD= 0.45). 3) There were differences in the overall levels of work spirituality among nurses from different generations. Generation X and Generation Y nurses had higher work spirituality levels than Generation Z nurses.
The findings of this study should be presented to management as a guideline for developing nursing human resources to cultivate appropriate work spirituality for registered nurses from each generation, especially Generation Z.
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