Developing of Educational Program and Cervical Cancer Screening by Testing for the HPV Virus by Means of Collecting Specimens Manually of Women at Risk in Udon Thani Cancer Hospital
Education program, Attitude, Intention to cervical Cancer screening, Self-collection method, HPV virusAbstract
This research aimed to develop an educational program regarding the use of HPV virus testing for cervical cancer screening through the self-collection from at-risk women. The investigation of the service situation for women whose examination results were reported as incomplete constitutes Phase 1. By conducting in-depth interviews with twelve individuals and group discussions with ten professional nurses who provided guidance. In Phase 2, the knowledge program was devised. Phase 3: Evaluate the program's appropriateness and measure participants' knowledge, attitudes, and willingness to accept services via a form. Becker's cognitive theory and health belief model served as the foundation for the development of an educational program. Data were collected between January and April 2023. Three hundred and sixty-eight at-risk women made up the sample. Descriptive statistics, such as frequency distribution, percentage, mean, and standard deviation, were used to analyze the data.
The study's revealed that cervical cancer screening programs test for HPV virus by gathering specimens on your own are effective, the program were presented in a comprehensive manner (=3.61). The degree of knowledge on cervical cancer was high (47.83 percent), attitude (
=4.19), and intention (64.13 percent). According to the inspection findings, the collection was deemed incomplete prior to implementing the program, with a subsequent increase to 23.26% following its implementation, utilize the residual program at a rate of 0.0382 percent.
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บทความหรือข้อคิดเห็นใด ๆ ที่ประกฎในวารสารศูนย์อนามัยที่ 9 เป็นความคิดเห็นของผู้เขียน บรรณาธิการ คณะผู้จัดทำ และศูนย์อนามัยที่ 9 นครราชสีมา (เจ้าของ) ไม่จำเป็นต้องเห็นด้วย ผู้เขียนต้องรับผิดชอบต่อบทความของตนเอง
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