The Correlation between Stress, Depression, Prenatal Gestational Age, and Birth Weight among Postpartum Mothers at Chum Phae Hospital, Khon Kaen Province


  • Soiy Anusornteerakul Faculty of Nursing, Ratchathani University, Udonthani Campus
  • Pongsak Junngam Chumphae Hospital, Khon Kaen Province


Postpartum stress, Postpartum depression, Preterm labor


This descriptive correlational study aimed to determine prevalence of postpartum stress, postpartum depression, preterm labor, and low birth weight, and to study correlations between postpartum stress and depression, prenatal gestational age, and birth weight. Samples consisted of 217 mothers 48-72 hours after delivery in the obstetrics and gynecology department, Chum Phae hospital, Khon Kaen province. Tools used in the study were the ST5 stress assessment, and the EPDS assessment, which tested for reliability yielding Cronbach's alpha coefficients of 0.74 and 0.80, respectively. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and Pearson's product-moment correlation coefficient analysis.

Results found that prevalence of postpartum stress was mostly at a moderate level (17.5%) followed by a high level (2.8%). Postpartum depression was at 9.2 percent, preterm labor was at 16.6 percent, and low birth weight was at 9.2 percent. Stress was positively correlated with postpartum depression (r=0.554, p<0.001). Birth weight was also positively correlated with prenatal gestational age (r=0.325, p<0.001). Postpartum stress and depression were not correlated with prenatal gestational age, and birth weight (p>0.05).

Conclusion: postpartum stress, depression, preterm labor, and low birth weight were at high prevalence. Therefore, it is data supporting the development of a program to prevent these conditions.

Author Biographies

Soiy Anusornteerakul, Faculty of Nursing, Ratchathani University, Udonthani Campus


Pongsak Junngam, Chumphae Hospital, Khon Kaen Province



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How to Cite

Anusornteerakul, S., & Junngam, P. (2025). The Correlation between Stress, Depression, Prenatal Gestational Age, and Birth Weight among Postpartum Mothers at Chum Phae Hospital, Khon Kaen Province. REGIONAL HEALTH PROMOTION CENTER 9 JOURNAL, 19(2), 484–495. retrieved from



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