Development of Nursing Model during the COVID-19 Outbreaks : In-Patient Department, Nonthai Hospital


  • Usa Kumprasit Nonthai Hospital


Model development, Nursing administration, In-patient department, COVID-19


The objective of this action research was to develop a nursing administration model during the COVID-19 outbreaks for in-patient department at Nonthai hospital. The research process was consisted of 3 phases: 1) exploring and analyzing the situations, 2) developing and testing the model, and 3) evaluating the model. The samples included 15 nurses currently working in the in-patient department for COVID-19 patients and selected using purposive sampling technique. Data collection was done from 1st April to 30th September 2021. Research instruments were consisted of 2 parts: 1) quantitative evaluation form which was a questionnaire asking about nursing administration preparedness during COVID-19, nurses’ knowledge about COVID-19 prevention and control, nurses’ self-efficacy in providing nursing care for COVID-19 patients, and mental health assessment during COVID-19 pandemic, and 2) qualitative evaluation form which was a recording form for focus group discussions regarding the nursing administration model during COVID-19 pandemic.

The results showed that the development of nursing administration model during COVID-19 outbreaks was effective in preparing and managing cares for COVID-19 patients. Nurses’ knowledge was at a moderate level while their self-efficacy in provide nursing care for COVID-19 patients were at high level. It was found that problems and challenges of nursing administration model included the structure and management of nursing manpower. The study suggested that the hospital’s nursing administration model that was developed during COVID-19 outbreak for the in-patient department was effective and practical in managing care for COVID-19 patients.

Author Biography

Usa Kumprasit, Nonthai Hospital

Registered Nurse, Professional Level


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How to Cite

Kumprasit, U. (2021). Development of Nursing Model during the COVID-19 Outbreaks : In-Patient Department, Nonthai Hospital. REGIONAL HEALTH PROMOTION CENTER 9 JOURNAL, 16(1), 30–44. retrieved from



Research Article