Associations among Knowledge, Attitudes, Health Behaviors, and Stress of Pregnant Women in Thailand during the New Coronavirus-2019

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Pairin Sukontrakoon
Srisamorn Phumonsakul
sailom Gerdprasert
Shuleeporn Prohm
Arissara Sawatpanich


  A descriptive correlational study aimed to examine the associations among knowledge about COVID-19, attitudes toward COVID-19, health behaviors, and stress of pregnant women in Thailand during the COVID-19 pandemic. A sample of 283 pregnant women who met the inclusion criteria was recruited and participated via self-administered online questionnaires. The questionnaires requested personal information, knowledge about COVID-19, attitudes toward COVID-19, health behaviors related to COVID-19 in pregnancy, and stress. Descriptive statistics and Spearman’s rank correlations were applied for data analysis. The results showed that most pregnant women had a high level of knowledge about COVID-19 and good health behaviors (75.62% and 88.34%, respectively), a neutral attitude, and a moderate stress level (78.09% and 76.32%, respectively). Also, findings revealed a significant positive association between knowledge and health behaviors, negative attitudes toward COVID-19 and health behaviors, and negative attitudes toward COVID-19 and stress. However, significant associations were not found between knowledge and attitudes,knowledge and stress, and health behaviors and stress. Therefore, pregnant women should receive reliable health information about the novel coronavirus disease, which may influence attitudes toward this disease, to help them engage in health behaviors and prevent such infections. Importantly, accurate information should make the pregnant women gain more understanding of COVID-19. Psychological support is needed to help pregnant women manage their stress appropriately.
Keywords: Knowledge, Attitude, Health behaviors, Stress, Pregnant women, COVID-19

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How to Cite
Sukontrakoon P, Phumonsakul S, Gerdprasert sailom, Prohm S, Sawatpanich A. Associations among Knowledge, Attitudes, Health Behaviors, and Stress of Pregnant Women in Thailand during the New Coronavirus-2019. Nurs Res Inno J [Internet]. 2022 Aug. 23 [cited 2024 Sep. 19];28(2). Available from:



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