Impact of an Educative-Supportive Nursing Programme on Self-Care Behaviour and Quality of Life of Female Students with Primary Dysmenorrhea


  • kanokwan - chailarp mahidol
  • Sunee Lagampan
  • Naruemom Auemaneekul


Self-care behaviors, Primary dysmenorrhea, Quality of life, Educative- Supportive nursing system


Objective: To fnd out how an educative-supportive nursing programme contributed
to improving the self-care behaviour and quality of life of female students with primary
Design: Two-group experimental research with a pre-test and a post-test.
Methodology: The sample consisted of 60 female students aged between 18 and 22,
divided into a control group (30) and an experimental group (30). Only the experimental
group participated in an 8-week educative-supportive nursing programme. Data were
collected by means of a self-completed questionnaire, before the experiment, after the
experiment (week 8) and during the follow-up (week 12). The data were analysed
based on frequency, percentage, means, standard deviation, chi-square, independent
t-test and repeated measures ANOVA.
Results: After the experiment and during the follow-up period, the experimental
group’s scores on self-care behaviour and quality of life were signifcantly higher than
both their own pre-experiment scores and the control group’s (p-value < .05). The
experimental group also displayed a signifcantly lower degree of menstrual pain than
before the experiment, and than the control group did (p-value < .05).
Recommendations: It is recommended that the use of this educative-supportive
nursing programme, which was developed based on self-care theories, be promoted
amongst women with primary dysmenorrhea as a means of relieving their menstrual
pain and improving their quality of life during menstruation


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Author Biography

Sunee Lagampan

ภาควิชา พยาบาลสาธารณสุข คณะสาธารณสุขศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล

สถานที่ที่สามารถติดต่อได้ ภาควิชาพยาบาลสาธารณสุข

โทรศัพท์ 02-354-8542, โทรสาร 02-3548535


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How to Cite

chailarp kanokwan-, Lagampan S, Auemaneekul N. Impact of an Educative-Supportive Nursing Programme on Self-Care Behaviour and Quality of Life of Female Students with Primary Dysmenorrhea. J Thai Nurse midwife Counc [Internet]. 2018 Mar. 6 [cited 2025 Jan. 7];32(4):107. Available from: