Effects of Self-Effcacy-Promoting Programme with Cartoon Animation Videos on Knowledge, Anxiety, and Perceived Self-Effcacy in Patients Undergoing Cardiac Catheterisation


  • จุฑาพร ศรีจันทร์ สถาบันโรคทรวงอก กรมการแพทย์ กระทรวงสาธารณสุข
  • จุฬารักษ์ กวีวิวิธชัย
  • นารีมาลย์ นีละไพจิตร
  • ธรรมรัฐ ฉันทแดนสุวรรณ


knowledge, self-effcacy perception, anxiety, cardiac catheterisation



              Objective: To examine the effects that a self-effcacy-promoting programme adopting
cartoon animation videos could have on the knowledge, anxiety, and perceived self-effcacy
in patients undergoing cardiac catheterisation.
              Design: Two-group experimental research with a pre-test and post-test.
              Procedure: This study was conducted on 39 cardiovascular patients who had undergone
catheterisation. Based on the order of their queue cards, the patients were randomly assigned to
an experimental group and a control group. The experimental group was treated with a self-effcacypromoting programme that adopted cartoon animation videos, pamphlets, and home visits.
The control group received standard care. Each patient was asked to respond to a personal
information questionnaire and 3 pairs of pre-tests and post-tests, each designed to measure
the patient’s knowledge, anxiety, and self-effcacy perception before the experiment and 2 times
(the frst day and the fourth week) after cardiac catheterisation. Data were analysed using
descriptive statistics, a paired t-test, an independent t-test, and two-way ANOVA with repeated measures on one factor.
             Results: After the experiment, the experimental group displayed signifcantly higher average
scores on knowledge and self-effcacy perception (p = .001, p < .001), and a signifcantly lower
anxiety level (p < .001), on the frst day and in the fourth week after cardiac catheterisation.
However, no signifcant difference was found between the 2 groups’ average pre- and postexperimental knowledge scores, self-effcacy perception scores, and anxiety levels.
             Recommendations: It is recommended that this cartoon-animation-integrated self-effcacypromoting programme be used as an intervention to enhance self-effcacy perception and promote
self-care behaviour, both of which could prevent complications in cardiac catheterisation patients.


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How to Cite

ศรีจันทร์ จ, กวีวิวิธชัย จ, นีละไพจิตร น, ฉันทแดนสุวรรณ ธ. Effects of Self-Effcacy-Promoting Programme with Cartoon Animation Videos on Knowledge, Anxiety, and Perceived Self-Effcacy in Patients Undergoing Cardiac Catheterisation. J Thai Nurse midwife Counc [Internet]. 2018 Jun. 12 [cited 2024 Dec. 23];33(1):89-102. Available from: https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/TJONC/article/view/116121