Work-Related Stress, Social Support, and Resilience of Trauma Unit Nurses in Unrest Areas of Southern Border Provinces


  • Wipa Sae Sia Assist. Prof.
  • Thitirat Dilokkunanant
  • Praneed Songwatthana


work-related stress, social support, resilience, emergency nurses, unrest areas


Objective: To examine relationships between work-related stress, social support,
and resilience of trauma unit nurses operating in unrest areas of southern Thai border provinces.
Design: Descriptive research.
Procedure: The participants were all of the trauma unit nurses (totalling 172)
working in the 10 most frequently unrest-threatened areas. The instruments consisted of
a personal information questionnaire, a work-related stress questionnaire, a social support
questionnaire, and a resilience scale questionnaire. The questionnaires passed a content
validity check by 3 experts and a reliability check using Cronbach’s alpha coeffcients,
yielding an outcome of .94, .91, and .96, respectively. The data were analysed using
descriptive statistics and Pearson Correlation Analysis.
Results: Overall, the participants displayed moderate mean scores on work-related
stress and resilience but a high mean score on social support. An intervariate analysis showed
2 signifcant fndings: (1) a moderate negative relationship between work-related
stress and resilience (r = -.34, p < .001), and (2) a low positive relationship between
social support and resilience (r = .27, p < .001).
Recommendations: It is recommended that relevant organisations and institutions
develop effective means of promoting resilience, reducing work-related stress, and
maintaining a high level of social support for trauma unit nurses working in unrest-affected
areas of the southern border provinces.


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How to Cite

Sae Sia W, Dilokkunanant T, Songwatthana P. Work-Related Stress, Social Support, and Resilience of Trauma Unit Nurses in Unrest Areas of Southern Border Provinces. J Thai Nurse midwife Counc [Internet]. 2018 Aug. 3 [cited 2025 Jan. 15];33(2):70-82. Available from: