Primary Care Cluster: Concept and Management of Registered Nurses’ Roles


  • นครินทร์ สุวรรณแสง กองการพยาบาล สำนักงานปลัดกระทรวงสาธารณสุข
  • ภราดร ยิ่งยวด Borommarajonani College of Nursing Changwat Nonthaburi


primary care cluster, registered nurses, primary care


A primary care cluster (PCC) provides health services in the context of families and communities. It integrates collaboration of multidisciplinary teams with application of supporting resources or services. The main purpose of a PCC is to enhance the capacity of health services in Thailand, where the PCC policy is implemented in accord with the World Health Organization’s Six Building Blocks of Health System.
Registered nurses play seven important healthcare roles in the implementation of the PCC policy, chiefly by integrating the principles of family medicine with those of nursing science. The seven roles are: 1) case management; 2) primary medical care; 3) care for the families of chronic and terminal patients; 4) disease prevention, health promotion, and rehabilitation; 5) community counselling and coordination; 6) referral
system management; and 7) empowerment. Major factors affecting primary care cluster operation include insuffcient manpower, the need for continued knowledge improvement, insuffcient budget and resources, and inadequate health service support. Thus, related agencies should be engaged in the process of solving these problems, whilst further studies of the outcomes of the primary care cluster policy are strongly recommended.


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How to Cite

สุวรรณแสง น, ยิ่งยวด ภ. Primary Care Cluster: Concept and Management of Registered Nurses’ Roles. J Thai Nurse midwife Counc [internet]. 2020 Jan. 9 [cited 2025 Feb. 12];35(1):5-17. available from:



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