Correlation between Health Literacy and Self-Management amongst Older Thai Muslims with Hypertension


  • อามานี แดมะยุ คณะพยาบาลศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยนราธิวาสราชนครินทร์
  • ศิริรัตน์ ปานอุทัย
  • พนิดา จันทโสภีพันธ์


health literacy, self-management, older Thai Muslims, hypertension


     Objective: To examine any correlation between health literacy and self-management amongst older Thai Muslims with hypertension.
     Design: Descriptive correlational study.
     Methodology: A total of 88 participants were recruited. All of them were older Thai Muslims having been diagnosed with hypertension and receiving treatment at Health-Promoting Hospitals in Narathiwat province from January to February 2020. The instruments for data collection were the demographic and illness recording form, the health literacy questionnaire for older persons with hypertension, and the self-management questionnaire for older Thai Muslims with hypertension. The data were analysed using descriptive statistics and the Pearson correlation coeffcient.
     Results: The participants displayed a moderate level of functional and overall health literacy, a high level of communicative/interactive health literacy, and a low level of critical health literacy. The participants’ overall self-management, treatment management, and role management were at a moderate level, whilst their emotional management and cooperation with follow-up appointments were at a high level. The participants’ overall, functional, communicative/interactive, and critical health literacy had a moderate-degree positive correlation with their overall self-management, at a statistically signifcant level of 0.01 (r = 0.469,
0.346, 0.403, and 0.344, respectively). When each aspect of self-management was taken into consideration, it was found that the participants’ health literacy had a moderate-degree positive correlation with their treatment and role management, at a statistically signifcant level of 0.01 (r = 0.443), but had a low-degree correlation with their emotional management and cooperation with follow-up appointments (r = 0.194 and 0.186, respectively).
      Recommendations: The results of this study can provide fundamental information for nurses and healthcare professionals caring for older Thai Muslims with hypertension, to promote health literacy and self-management ability.


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How to Cite

แดมะยุ อ, ปานอุทัย ศ, จันทโสภีพันธ์ พ. Correlation between Health Literacy and Self-Management amongst Older Thai Muslims with Hypertension. J Thai Nurse midwife Counc [Internet]. 2020 Jul. 17 [cited 2025 Jan. 3];35(3):87-107. Available from:



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