Infection Control and Prevention of COVID-19: Roles of Advanced Nurse Practitioners


  • sakorn intolo


disease control and prevention, pandemic, Covid-19, advanced nurse practitioners


The Coronavirus 2019 or Covid-19 disease has affected every country’s healthcare system. As the number of infected patients seems to be rising all over the world, control and prevention of Covid-19 is considered a very challenging task for healthcare personnel. Advanced nurse practitioners play an important part in the
healthcare system thanks to their expert knowledge, advanced nursing skills, and leadership skills, all of which contribute to addressing inequality amongst service recipients andpromotingaccess tohigh-qualitynursingservices amidst the Covid-19 pandemic. Advanced nurse practitioners’ three principal roles in providing nursing care tocontrol andprevent the spreadof Covid-19 are: 1)improvementofhealthcare
services tocontrol andprevent the spreadof thedisease; 2)developmentof the roleof  advancednursepractitioners toamelioratenursingcarequalityfor Covid-19 patients; and 3) empowerment and education for disease prevention. These roles are vital to implementationof the Covid-19 controlandpreventionmeasures, whichinturn would leadtohigherqualityofhealthcare services andgreater safetyforpatients.


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Author Biography

sakorn intolo

Khon Kaen University


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How to Cite

intolo sakorn. Infection Control and Prevention of COVID-19: Roles of Advanced Nurse Practitioners. J Thai Nurse midwife Counc [internet]. 2021 Jun. 30 [cited 2025 Jan. 18];36(03):5-15. available from:



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