Health Literacy and Self-Management in Older Persons Receiving Hemodialysis


  • Pimploy Mahanupab Faculty of Nursing Chiangmai University
  • Rojanee Chintanawat Faculty of Nursing Chiangmai University
  • Phanida Juntasopeepun Faculty of Nursing Chiangmai University


health literacy, self-management, older persons, haemodialys


   Objective: To examine the levels of health literacy and self-management, and the relationship between these two factors, in older persons receiving haemodialysis
   Design: Descriptive correlational study
   Methodology: For this study, a total of 84 participants were recruited using the sampling-without-replacement technique; they were older persons who had terminal chronic renal disease and were receiving haemodialysis in the haemodialysis departments of four hospitals in Chiang Mai. Data were collected during June to August 2021 using a set of questionnaires consisting of the Demographic Form, Health Literacy Scale, and Self-Management Behavior Scale for older persons receiving haemodialysis. The data were analysed using descriptive statistics and Pearson’s product-moment correlation.
   Results: The fndings revealed that the participants demonstrated high levels of health literacy and self-management. Also, their health literacy level had a moderate positive correlation with their self-management level, at a statistically signifcant degree (r = .55, p < .01).
   Recommendations: The fndings of this study could serve as fundamentals of nursing department and other healthcare professionals to promote health literacy and self-management amongst older persons who have terminal chronic renal disease and undergo haemodialysis.


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How to Cite

Mahanupab P, Chintanawat R, Juntasopeepun P. Health Literacy and Self-Management in Older Persons Receiving Hemodialysis. J Thai Nurse midwife Counc [internet]. 2022 Jan. 31 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];37(01):108-24. available from:



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