Effects of a Self-Efficacy Enhancement Program on Heart Failure Care Behaviors and Revisit Rates in Patients with Heart Failure
self-efficacy, care behaviors, revisit rate, emergency department, heart failureAbstract
Introduction Congestive heart failure is a chronic disease that poses a significant public health concern globally. It adversely affects the lives of patients, impacting their day-to-day functioning. Promoting consistent health management behaviors is crucial in improving patients’ quality of life and reducing hospital revisits.
Objective To examine the effects of a self-efficacy enhancement program on heart failure care behaviors and revisit rates in patients with heart failure
Design This quasi-experimental with one group pre-posttest design using Bandura’s self-efficacy concept as the research framework.
Methods Participants included 30 patients with heart failure who visited the emergency department at a super tertiary hospital and were recruited through purposive sampling. The participants received a program consisting of health education about heart failure, skill training for heart failure care, instructions for using the heart failure care manual for patients, and heart failure care monitoring. Data were collected using questionnaires on personal data, care behaviors, and revisit. The content validity index of the program was .83. The reliability of the heart failure care behaviors questionnaire was tested, revealing the Cronbach’s alpha coefficient of .81. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, Paired t-test, and Wilcoxon Signed Ranks test.
Results Most of the participants were female (73.33%). Their ages ranged from 42 to 80 years, with a mean age of 69.97 years (SD = 9.90). After participating in a self-efficacy enhancement program, the participants had overall heart failure care behaviors (M = 75.09, SD = 19.15) higher than before the program (M = 55.56, SD = 18.70), with statistical significance (t = -4.143, p < .001). Also, there were significantly higher subscales, including following advice of the healthcare team, seeking consultation, and self-regulation (Z = -2.890, Z = -2.470, Z = -3.330, respectively, p < .001). Furthermore, none of the participants had a revisit associated with heart failure following the program.
Recommendation The self-efficacy enhancement program could enhance heart failure care behaviors and reduce the revisit rate. Healthcare teams can apply the program in caring for patients with heart failure. A further study should employ an experimental design with continuous monitoring to confirm the program’s effectiveness.
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