Telephone call visit program for out patients receiving service from nurse anesthetist

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สมพร คำพรรณ์
อรสา โชคชัยนันท์
อุบล จังพานิช


This study aimed to develop the telephone call visit program for out-patients receiving service from nurse anesthetist and to evaluate the outcomes of the program used.  The program consists of: 1) introduction to the program; 2) history taking and initial physical assessment; 3) providing information and giving advice on self-care; 4) providing time to ask questions and to ventilate anxiety and concerns; and 5) evaluating the program outcomes. The outcomes included: perception and self-care practice based on the program, numbers of postpone or cancelation of the operation, and satisfaction towards the program. Data were collected one day before the operating day from 4.00 pm to 8.00 pm during January to August 2011. Results revealed that 346 out of 432 patients (80.1%) of the sample received telephone call visit program. All patients paid attention and followed self-care practice recommendations strictly (100%). None of the operation were postponed (equal zero) and the overall satisfaction level was at a high level (Mean =4.92; SD=0.27). 

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How to Cite
คำพรรณ์ ส., โชคชัยนันท์ อ., & จังพานิช อ. (2015). Telephone call visit program for out patients receiving service from nurse anesthetist. Thai Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Practice, 2(1), 45–54. Retrieved from
Research Article