Development of Health Service Model for Delaying Kidney Degeneration in Chronic Disease Patients, Health Service Networks of Mae Lao District, Chiang Rai Province

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Punyanin Khuanphet
Runglawan Kawila
Arunee Chaimuang


Chronic disease patients with diabetes and hypertension have increasing complications from the chronic kidney disease. An appropriate health service model will decrease complications from the chronic kidney disease. This research and development aimed to develop a health service model for delaying kidney degeneration and studied
outcomes of the developed health service model for delaying kidney degeneration, Mae Lao HealthService Network, Chiang RaiprovinceduringSeptember 2018 to November 2019.Samplesof chronicdiseasepatients with chronic kidney disease comprised of 198 patients in stage 1-3a and 394 patients in stage 2-3 a. Research process was: (1) the
analysis of existing health service situations; (2) the development of health service model for delaying kidney degeneration; and (3) the evaluation of outcomes. Qualitative data were analyzed by contentanalysis. Quantitative data were analyzed by using descriptive and inferentialstatistics. Results showed that:(1) the situation analysis reported the reactive type of existing health service model. Sample shad in appropriate health behaviors and their chronic kidney degenerations were increasing; (2) The development of health service model for delaying kidney degeneration employed the concept of Chronic Care Model (CCM); and (3) Outcomesof theservice model showed that chronic disease patients had consumedless sodium inaday, hadlower serum creatinine levels, and had higherkidney filtration rate with statistically significant (p <0.001). The developed health service model could enhance chronic disease patients in getting access to health service model that delaying kidney degeneration which resulting in good behavioral and clinical outcomes. Long-term follow upshouldbe further study.

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How to Cite
Khuanphet, P., Kawila, R., & Chaimuang, A. . (2020). Development of Health Service Model for Delaying Kidney Degeneration in Chronic Disease Patients, Health Service Networks of Mae Lao District, Chiang Rai Province. Thai Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Practice, 7(1), 57–74. Retrieved from
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