The Effect of Self-Efficacy Enhancing Program for Caregivers on Perceived Self-Efficacy and Pneumonia Prevention Behaviors in Head and Neck Cancer Patients with Tracheostomy
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Abstract: This two-group repeated measures quasi-experimental design study aimed to examine the effects of the Self-Efficacy Enhancing Program (SEEP) for caregivers on perceived self-efficacy and pneumonia-prevention behaviors in head and neck cancer patients with tracheostomy. The sample consisted of 20 dyads of head and neck cancer patients and their caregivers selected from the Ear, Nose and Throat ward. Ten dyads were assigned to the experimental group, receiving usual care and the SEEP. The other ten dyads were assigned to the control group, receiving only usual care. The study intervention was the SEEP developed based on the Bandura framework. Instruments for data collection consisted of the Perceived Self-Efficacy of Caregivers Questionnaire and the Pneumonia-Prevention Behaviors of Caregivers Observation Form. The quality of all instruments was evaluated, yielding content validity index between .97 and 1.0, and reliability between .97 and .98. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, independent t-test, and two-way repeated measures ANOVA to compare the outcomes after intervention at days 3, 5 during hospitalization, and day 14 after hospital discharge. The results revealed that after participating in the program, the mean scores of perceived self-efficacy and behaviors of pneumonia-prevention among caregivers in the experiment group were significantly higher than those in the control group (F1, 17 =17.532, p <.001; F1, 17 = 109.188, p <.001, respectively). The results could be used as guidance for nurses to promote caregivers' self-efficacy which can increase the confidence and practice of caregivers to prevent patients from developing pneumonia. However, further study with a larger sample size should be carried out.
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