ผลลัพธ์ของการตั้งครรภ์ในกลุ่มหญิงวัยรุ่น โรงพยาบาลกาฬสินธุ์


  • Ukrit Uchupap, M.D. กลุ่มงานสูตินรีเวชกรรม โรงพยาบาลกาฬสินธุ์


รูปแบบการพัฒนาผู้นำาเกษตรกร, ผู้นำเกษตรกร, สุนทรียกสิกรรม, ชุมชนเข้มแข็ง


Teenage pregnancy is major problem in Thailand. The objective was to determine incidence, type of delivery, obstetric and neonatal complications of teenage mothers in Kalasin hospital by conducting a retrospective descriptive study in 3,480 pregnancies delivered in Kalasin hospital during 1st October 2008 to 30th September 2009. There were 602 teenage pregnancies (17.29%), mean age 17.46 ± 1.82 years and most patient were nulliparous (83.1%). 76.7% of the cases had adequate antenatal care and 52.7% of them were housewife. 42.7% of the cases had secondary level of education. The most patients had no underlying disease (87.9%) but 10.8% of them had anemia. The most complication in antepartum was preterm labor pain (15.6%) whereas intrapartal complication was fetal distress (2.8%) and postpartal complication was hemorrhage (0.5%) due to uterine atony. The average gestational age at delivery was 37.61 ± 3.5 wks, but preterm deliveries were 15.7%. The most teenage pregnancies had normal deliveries (68.4%), and single lived birth (97.5%). 1.7% had abortion include criminal abortion in 30% of total abortion. The newborns’ mean
birth weight was 2841.5 ± 432.4 gram and 19.8% of the newborns were low birth weight.

Author Biography

Ukrit Uchupap, M.D., กลุ่มงานสูตินรีเวชกรรม โรงพยาบาลกาฬสินธุ์

ว.ว. สูตินรีวิทยา


