ความพึงพอใจในคุณภาพชีวิตการทำงานและการบริหารบุคลากรพยาบาล โรงพยาบาลกระทุ่มแบน จังหวัดสมุทรสาคร


  • Nutta Smithakorn โรงพยาบาลกระทุ่มแบน จังหวัดสมุทรสาคร


The objective of this survey research was to study on the gratification of quality working life and nursing administration at Krathumbaen hospital. The 127 samples of the Krathumbaen’s nurses in nursing administration were given a questionnaire which the research designed. The research was study since May 2008 to August 2008. This questionnaire was adjusted by nursing administration council and researcher has devcloped. The datas were analyzed with describe deplicit (frequency and percentage) and analytical statistic (Pearson Chi-Square) by SPSS 11 in computer.

The results of this research found that nurses were female for 97.6% which mostly in the age of 31 years. The nurses are mostly the officer performer and the experience in nursing care are 8.8 years. The sentiment of the nurses in nursing administration was being in line for the average (3.44). Finding neative relation between age and time in human management and quality working life were significant (p = .707 and .709). The positive relation between human management and quality working life was significant (p = .000).

Suggestion counsel

  1. The nursing administration system has an influence in the nurse’s gralification may have many more factors beside the variables factors which the researcher desired. ln this study nurse manager should improve administration system, get facilitate and plan after job analysis to solve job imbalance in special units.
  1. This study contained a small number of administration and quality working life Questions which can’t cover the entire system of the nursing administration. lf this questionnaire were reuse, the researcher suggests this questionnaire should be readjusted by adequate content.

Author Biography

Nutta Smithakorn, โรงพยาบาลกระทุ่มแบน จังหวัดสมุทรสาคร



