

  • Sombat Bunto, M.D. กลุ่มงานสูติ-นรีเวชกรรม โรงพยาบาลสมุทรสาคร


       A retrospective study was undertaken to study the incidence, cause and predisposing factors of immediate postpartum hemorrhage in women that delivered at Samutsakhon Hospital during 1 October 2004-30 September 2005.

       We found that 72 of 6,435 (1.12%) had immediate postpartum hemorrhae. Cause of immediate postpartum hemorrhage was uterine atony (65.2%), retained placenta (27.8%), vaginal laceratlon (2.8%), cervical Iaceration (2.8%) and puerperal hematoma (1.4%).

       Predisposing factors of immediate postpartum hemorrhage was incomplete ANC (less than 4 times), anemia, following oxytocin-induced or augmented labor and vacuum extraction delivery.

       This study suggested that postpartum hemorrhage was important. Prompt recognition, prevention and management of immediate postpartum hemorrhage were important to reduce maternal morbidity and mortality.

Author Biography

Sombat Bunto, M.D., กลุ่มงานสูติ-นรีเวชกรรม โรงพยาบาลสมุทรสาคร

ว.ว. สูตินรีเวชวิทยา


